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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common repetitive strain injury that can range in severity from mildly uncomfortable to very painful. At Liverpool Physio we can help relieve symptoms and get you back to the best possible condition in the quickest possible time.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is compression of the median nerve which travels through the wrist causing pain and numbness of the thumb, index, long and radial half of the ring finger. Blood vessels and tendons can also be restricted causing weakness and reduced mobility. It can be triggered by injury or overuse but usually only requires conservative management. It sometimes becomes a reoccurring issue but our specialist physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio can help you manage your recovery to reduce the risk of re-injury.

Effective treatment for cubital-tunnel-syndrome.Above: Effective treatment for cubital-tunnel-syndrome.

What causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a form of repetitive strain injury, caused by frequent, reoccurring movements during fine motor control. It is most commonly associated with actions such as excessive typing, PC mouse operation or handwriting.
The Carpal bones in the wrist form a shallow curve which is joined across the top by the wide transverse carpal ligament. This creates a tunnel effect through which blood vessels, tendons and nerves pass, in particular the median nerve. When inflammation occurs within this Carpal tunnel it can compress the structures passing through causing a range of symptoms. As the median nerve supplies sensation and control to the thumb and first three fingers, if it is compressed it can cause numbness, tingling or pain.
The inflammation itself can be created by a number of different conditions such as varying types of arthritis, Colles fracture of the wrist, repetitive strain injury and fluid retention during pregnancy or menopause. Often the exact cause is not known but the general symptoms and approach to treatment remain the same.
What are the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually start gradually causing altered sensation in the fingers. It can occur bi-laterally, showing signs in both wrists and often first appears during the night, since many people sleep with bent wrists squeezing the median nerve. Other symptoms include;
  • Pins and needles sensation spreading from the thumb and hand to the first, second and third finger.
  • Pain can spread through the hand and fingers.
  • Occasionally referred pain or aching is felt along the arm.
  • Numbness may occur is the pressure from swelling increases.
  • Dry skin can occur on the hand and fingers as natural perspiration is restricted.
  • Stiffness in fingers from reduced movement, especially first thing in the morning.
  • Reduced grip strength, ability to make a fist.
  • Reduced fine motor control, picking up small objects with a pincer action.
Our experienced physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio will tailor treatments to address whatever symptoms to present with. Always with a view to returning you to the best possible functional condition to continue normal daily activities.

What should I do if I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you suspect you have carpal tunnel syndrome you should consult a doctor who will confirm a diagnosis after an examination of the wrist and hand. They may then refer you to see a physiotherapist and prescribe pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication.
For more information about how physiotherapy can help treat carpal tunnel syndrome, or to book yourself an appointment, please email us at or call us on 0151 558 0077.

What would a physiotherapy assessment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome involve?

In your first appointment at Liverpool Physio, your assessment would be divided into the following two sections:
A discussion to find out the cause of your injury, how long they have been persisting, if you have had any previous injuries in this area, what symptoms you are experiencing and how your injury is affecting you and your lifestyle.
A physical assessment of your range of pain, tenderness in the area, range of movement and a series of special tests to identify exactly which structures you are likely to have injured.

What would a physiotherapy treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome involve?

Physiotherapy treatment at Liverpool Physio is very important to hasten the healing process and decrease the likelihood of re-injury.
A thorough assessment by one of our physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio will determine what has contributed to the development of carpal tunnel and a treatment plan will be developed to ensure a speedy recovery. Physiotherapy treatment at Liverpool Physio may include:
  • Advice about sufficient rest from any aggravating activities and how to modify tasks
  • Ice and heat therapy
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Electrotherapy
  • Advice about splints - commonly used at night to immobilise the wrist.
  • Range of movement exercises
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Advice about gradual return to everyday and sporting activities
Physiotherapy treatment at Liverpool Physio will reduce your pain and numbness and regain the functional use of your wrist and hand so that you can get back to your everyday and sporting activities as quickly as possible

How can I arrange a physiotherapy assessment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you are experiencing pain or tingling in your hand, stiffness or loss of strength and show signs of inflammation, you may have a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and you would benefit from seeing one of our physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio.
You can contact us directly to arrange an assessment and we can advise you if further treatment is recommended, or give you details on self-management for minor cases. To arrange an appointment please email or call us on 0151 558 0077.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may be a very common repetitive strain injury, but the pain and loss of function are not something you have to live with. At Liverpool Physio our experienced Physiotherapists can comprehensively assess your injury and tailor a personalised treatment plan to address your needs. We can help you achieve the best possible functional recovery and importantly, advise you how to avoid reoccurrence of this injury.
For more information about how physiotherapy can help treat carpal tunnel syndrome, or to book yourself an appointment, please email us at or call us on 0151 558 0077.

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