Labral injury is damage to cartilage tissue deep in the hip joint and can be hard to identify. It is only in recent years that confirmed diagnosis of Labral injury have risen sharply. Largely due to easier access to MRI imaging technology and raised awareness of the condition. Previously pain due to Labral injury was often attributed to damage of the surrounding ligaments or tendons.
What is Labral injury?
The hip is a ball and socket joint where the head of the Femur sits in the cup of the pelvis. A layer of cartilage covers both the head of the femur and lines the pelvic socket to reduce friction between the surfaces as you move. The Labrum is an additional piece of cartilage that sits around the edge of the pelvic socket providing a suction seal between the meeting bones. This adds stability to the joint by helping hold the head of the femur firmly in the socket.
It is possible to injure the Labrum through sudden trauma, such as a car accident, but most cases are a result of repetitive strain from overuse during sports. In particular it is the repeated action of hip flexion that puts you at most risk, affecting runners, footballers and ice skaters.
What causes Labral injury?
Damage to the Labrum cartilage can occur from sudden trauma injuries, where the hip is subjected to high impact or overstretched into extreme positions. It can also occur as a result of overuse injury during activities that require prolonged periods of repeated flexion, especially whilst exerting force through the hip joint. This type of action most often applies to athletes involved on running, skating or jumping.
Other contributing factors that may increase the risk of Labral injury include hip muscle tightness or weakness, abnormal bone growths in the joint and poor technique during activity. In most cases the Labral injury results from overuse, the symptoms come on gradually and they cannot be connected with a specific injury event.

What are the symptoms of Labral injury?
It can be difficult to diagnose a Labral injury as there are many layers of muscle and soft tissue resting over the site. It is characterised as a deep groin pain, usually felt on one side. If you have a Labral injury you may experience.
- Stiffness in the affected hip joint.
- Sensation of clicking, catching or locking in the hip joint.
- Limited range of movement in the hip, either from pain or blocking.
- Instability in the joint compared to the other hip.
- Weakness in the affected hip’s connecting muscles.
- Pain or aching deep in the affected hip joint, as mentioned above.
- Pain is brought on by prolonged walking, squatting or sitting.
How is a Labral Injury Diagnosed?
A doctor or one of our specialist physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio can carry out a comprehensive assessment to diagnose a Labral Injury in the hip. If you have a significant tear to the Labral cartilage, an MRI scan may be required to highlight the severity of your injury.

For more information about how Physiotherapy can help treat Labral injuries in the hip, or to book an appointment, please email or call 0151 558 0077 .
What would a physiotherapy assessment for Labral Injury involve?
At Liverpool Physio, we want to gain as much information as possible about your injury to ensure we give you the best treatment. In your first appointment with us, our physiotherapists will carry out an assessment which has two parts:
A discussion between you and our physiotherapist to find out the cause of your injury and what symptoms you are experiencing, and how your injury is affecting you and your lifestyle.
An assessment of your range of pain, range of movement, and a series of special tests to identify the presence of the Labral injury.
If you have a complete tear of the Labrum you may require surgery to repair the cartilage. In this case, our physiotherapists would be happy to see you for assessment and treatment after your surgery to help you recover.
What would physiotherapy treatment for Labral injury involve?
At Liverpool Physio, Our physiotherapists will ensure you specialised treatment for your Labral injury. Depending on the extent and time elapsed since your symptoms began, your treatment may involve:
- Advice on posture, to avoid putting stress on the hip joint
- Joint mobility stretches for any loss of movement range.
- Strengthening exercises of major hip muscles to improve joint stability.
- Balance exercises to improve awareness and stability.
- Advice on activity modification to reduce pain.
- Biomechanical analysis for movement re-education, correcting posture and technique. Especially important for sports.
At Liverpool Physio you will experience a personalised treatment session. Each appointment will be aimed at returning to your everyday activities and what you enjoy.
How can I arrange a physiotherapy assessment for Labral injury?
If you are experiencing pain or aching deep in your hip joint, and feel unable to walk normally, one of our experienced physiotherapists will be happy to see you for an assessment.
You can contact us directly to arrange an assessment and we can advise you if further treatment is recommended, or give you details on self-management for minor cases. To arrange an appointment please email or call 0151 558 007I .
Labral injury can affect people from all backgrounds and levels of activity. It may present as a minor discomfort or cause inhibiting pain that disrupts normal functionality of the hip. If you experience any of the above listed symptoms including pain, clicking or locking of the hip and reduced stability or mobility, you would benefit from an assessment with one of our experienced physiotherapists.
At Liverpool Physio we want to ensure you get the best treatment for your injury and we will use biomechanical analysis, strengthening exercises and activity specific treatments to help you recover.
For more information about how Physiotherapy can help treat Labral injuries in the hip, or to book an appointment, please email or call 0151 558 0077 .
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