What is Trochanteric bursitis?
Around your hips you have multiple small fluid filled sacs called bursae. Their role is primarily to act as cushions, reducing friction between bony surfaces and the tendons and ligaments that pass over them. There are three main Bursae present in the Pelvis that are at most risk of injury. They are called the Trochanteric Bursa, Ischio-Gluteal Bursa and the iliopsoas Bursa. The trochanteric bursa covers the greater trochanters bony protuberance on the upper, outside boarder of the Femur. The bursa acts as lubricant protecting the femur from the friction caused by the Iliotibial band, Gluteus Medius muscle tendon and other hip structures. Bursitis is an inflammatory reaction within the bursa, usually in response to damage of the bursa tissues.

What causes Trochanteric bursitis?
There are several causes for Trochanteric bursitis. Most often it occurs as a result of repetitive or prolonged activities that stress the various pelvic bursae present.
Some causes include long amounts of pressure on the bursa from resting your pelvis on a hard surface, repetitive falls, repetitive movement of the hip against a resistance. It can also occur more suddenly if you have a direct force to the hip, such as from a fall onto a hard surface.
Other causes include Rheumatoid Arthritis, certain types of Gout and infection from nearby wounds. All these triggers result in damage to the Bursa or surrounding tissues, which in turn sets off an inflammatory reaction in the bursa. This makes the Bursa painful if compressed, as often happens when the joint is moving.
What are the symptoms of Trochanteric bursitis?
The pain and discomfort associated with Trochanteric bursitis can build gradually or come on suddenly, depending on the underlying cause. If you have bursitis you may be experiencing;
- Pain or ache in the upper, outer boarder of the hip.
- Pain that increases when pressure is placed through your pelvis if bending and straightening your legs and back.
- Pain referred down the leg to the knee.
- Altered sensation or numbness if passing nerves are compressed by swelling.
- Swelling in and around the pelvis and hip.
- Stiffness in the hip joint, especially after periods of rest.
- Sensation of snapping as the tendon catches then releases.
- Weakness in hip movement, particularly when straightening it
- A visible lump or bulge over the surface of your hip.
- Tenderness over the surface of your upper, outer hip.
Your symptoms are likely to increase with activity.

How is Trochanteric bursitis Diagnosed?
A thorough assessment by a doctor or one of our experienced physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio can carry out a comprehensive assessment to identify if you have Trochanteric bursitis.
For more information of how Physiotherapy can help treat Trochanteric Bursitis, or to book yourself an appointment, please email us at office@liverpoolphysio.co.uk or call 0151 558 0077 .
What would a physiotherapy assessment for Trochanteric bursitis involve?
If you book in for an appointment, the first session would be spent doing a comprehensive assessment before deciding on an appropriate treatment plan. Our physiotherapists at Liverpool Physio will divide this into two parts:
A discussion between you and our physiotherapist to find out where in your pelvis the pain is, how long it has been there, what activities aggravate and ease your symptoms and how your injury is affecting you and your lifestyle.
An assessment of your pain, range of movement, muscle strength and a series of special tests to rule out other possible conditions.
What would physiotherapy treatment for Trochanteric bursitis involve?
At Liverpool Physio, we believe it is important to tailor all our patient’s treatment sessions to their interests and personal goals. Some of the treatments you may receive as part of your treatment are listed below:
- Ice treatment, to reduce pain and swelling.
- Heat treatment, to alleviate pain and stiffness.
- Soft tissue massage to disperse swelling and relieve pain.
- Gait re-education to correct any biomechanical abnormalities.
- Advice on activity modification to prevent re-injury.
- Stretches to lengthen tight hip muscles.
- Progressive strengthening exercises to restore muscle balance.
- Electrotherapy to promote soft tissue healing.
How can I arrange a physiotherapy assessment for Trochanteric bursitis?
If you are experiencing pain, aching swelling or stiffness around your hips, and feel unable to continue your daily activity, you would benefit from an assessment at Liverpool Physio.
You can contact us directly to arrange an assessment and we can advise you if further treatment is recommended, or give you details on self-management for minor cases. To arrange an appointment please email office@liverpoolphysio.co.uk or call 0151 558 007I .
Bursitis is a condition which may cause a visible deformity over the site of your hip, and can cause pain and stiffness upon moving your hip. It can inhibit normal activity and playing sports, or may be severe enough to limit all mobility.
At Liverpool Physio we want to ensure you get the best treatment for your injury and we will use pain relief techniques, strengthening exercises and activity specific treatments to help you achieve the best possible recovery.
For more information of how Physiotherapy can help treat Trochanteric Bursitis, or to book yourself an appointment, please email us at office@liverpoolphysio.co.uk or call 0151 558 0077 .
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